Personal blogging is just straight up narcissism. No way around it. Which is why I've always had an aversion to it. Why in the world would anyone care to read the ramblings of self-indulged geek, right? Nonetheless, here you are. And here I am. Here we are. Face to face. Perhaps I should explain.
Not so long ago, Bad Attitude Bob planted the blogging seed in my head--a suggestion I politely rejected based on the aforementioned. Then, very recently, I discovered Narm's blog, White-Collar Redneck. Sheer curiosity of a post title prompted me to take a look. Halfway into commenting about my favorite Saved By The Bell episode--that's when I realized that even a person as sophisticated as myself can enjoy amateurish bullshit. (It is quite entertaining, check it out, especially on Wednesdays.)
I'm not entirely sure the direction this thing will go, but I'm certain it won't be a "dear diary." Maybe a little bit of everything--together we'll laugh, we'll cry, we'll awesome.
So consider this my introduction; I promise future posts will be less boring.
Enjoy this likely unrelated quote:
"I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it."
--Mark Twain
Um...I'm here for the awesome.
Thanks for the shout out. Welcome to the world of blogging - it is fun, challenging, frustrating, rewarding and kinda itchy. But there's a cream for that.
Can you please dumb the vocab down a bit? Maybe minimize my use of wikipedia to 4 words per post? That'd be great. Thanks. I have the bird issue too. They're just kind of opposite humans. They can fly, we can't. They have beaks, we don't. They have huge wild bird orgies in the early morning, we usually don't. They don't even have booze, imagine the amount of booze it might take for humans to have screaming orgies at 5am. Gallons my friend. Thanks for sharing the blog, it was a quiet start and I do expect much, much more.