Birds do not sing. They shout. Loudly. I have no idea where this image of happy birds melodically communicating to each other, filling the air with inflating musical notes comes from. Most of their chirps are ear-piercing shrieks, and the ones that are somewhat melodic are just annoying. And they insist on doing the vast majority of their chirping when I'm sleeping with the windows open because it's incredibly hot and humid in this part of Japan. Perhaps if they "sang" the same tune, it wouldn't be so bad, but instead I get a dozen different species yelping different notes at different tempos, creating a cacophonous headache that would have the Dave Matthews Band covering their collective ears.
Turn on the A/C you say? Not a bad idea, except if I allow myself to turn it on at night it will be on every night, racking up my electric bill to a point where paying it is more annoying than the birds. I suppose I can just turn it on sometimes, and leave the windows open other times, but it doesn't really work that way, does it? I've made a rule, designating July and August as the only A/C friendly months.
And so I'm left dealing with this absurdity for another couple nights. I guess sometimes tragic and horrible things happen to good people.
Enjoy this likely unrelated quote:"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."